

CCCC Building and Facility Use Policy

Requesting to use the facilities is determined by the purpose of the event and the requestor.

Request for Ministry Purpose

Ministry purposes are defined as non-reoccurring events that are part of church ministry to members, member’s families and fellow Christians.

·         Wedding ceremony

·         Wedding reception

·         Wedding rehearsal

·         Renewal of vows ceremony

·         Funeral & reception

·         Memorial service

·         Child dedication

·         Baptism

·         Ordination ceremony

·         Joint worship service

·         Blessing and Prayer service

Members should make request directly to the pastor who would be involved. Schedule will be communicated and in coordination with the office of building and grounds and the office of general services according to priority. In most cases involving a limited party, the pastors can grant the approval. Large-scale events may involve board approval. Denial of request would be given with explanation.

Non-members should make requests to the deacon board through any board member or pastor, but for wedding event no earlier than 6 months in advance. Request will be evaluated at the next board meeting. Approval would be communicated as well as denial. However, no reason or explanation shall be given for denial of request.

Non-member group should make the request to the deacon board via any board member. Request must be included with the detail of involvement or lack thereof from the church. Church involvement greater than 50% is considered as a hosted event where 50% or less is considered a joint event. Approval would be communicated as well as denial. Likewise, no reason or explanation shall be given for any denial of request.

Request for Non-ministry Purpose

Non-ministry purposes are by definition requests made by non-members, non-member groups and community. These activities and functions are not considered to be our church main mission but deemed beneficial to the community provided that they not interfere with the church ministry. Similar activities, but solely initiated by the church or member group are considered to be ministry to the community which is not covered by this policy. Examples of non-ministry activities are as, but not limited to, the following:

·         Emergency shelter

·         Storage and distribution of food and water

·         Blood drive & other medical services

·         Town hall, lectures and talks

·         Exhibitions

·         Sporting events

·         Musical concerts, media presentations & other performances

·         Church bazaar, fair & yard sales

·         Celebration, gathering, party & banquet

·         Training and education use

·         Civic events & ceremony

·         Polling place

Non-member individual or group should make a request only with a sponsor board member or pastor. Request must be included with the detail of involvement or lack thereof from the church. If Church involvement is greater than 50% it is considered as a hosted event, whereas 50% or less is considered a joint event. The following are potential items of discussion with requestor depending on the nature of the event.

·         Potential admissions, tickets, proceeds, fund raising and donations

·         Equipment and operator involved such as AV equipment, drum set and piano

·         Food serving, catering and consuming

·         Translator

·         Supervision

·         Childcare

·         Safety

·         Liability

·         Cleaning and custodial services

Consideration of these requests by the board is on case-by-case basis only during the regular scheduled board meeting. Approval would be communicated as well as denial. Likewise, no reason or explanation shall be given for any denial of request.

Incompatible Purpose

Incompatible purposes and groups such as, but not limited to, the followings:

  • Partisan political groups, activities, events or functions
  • For profit groups, promotion of commercial activities and activities for commercial gain
  • Pari-mutuel betting, gaming such as mahjong and bingo
  • Organization, activities, events, or functions in conflict with the purpose and/or mission of the church and not in line with the church mission and doctrine.



Church Building and Facility

The church building and facility are maintained and supervised under the office of Building and Grounds. The facilities includes:

·         Main sanctuary

·         English/Old sanctuary

·         Fellowship building

·         Education building

·         Parking lots

·         Nursery facility

·         Playground

Food policy

For church events, the catering, supplies, cleaning and custodial services are under the supervision of the office of general services. For events that are held for members, non-members or community sponsored events, food, supplies and custodial services will be provided, arranged or paid for by said group, in coordination with the board member/pastor sponsor or the office of general services.

Alcohol Use

Non-ceremonial alcohol consumption on the church grounds is prohibited/strongly discouraged due to safety and liability concerns.

Tobacco Use

Church building and ground are consider to be tobacco free facilities. All tobacco products, cigar, cigarettes, chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes are prohibited due to safety and public health concerns.

Fire Hazards

Incenses, candles, open frame burning, firecracker, firework & pyrotechnics

For safety and liability concerns, all potential fire hazards are prohibited. All outdoor cooking must be done in appropriate grill and stove to ensure safety.


This policy is not intended to be comprehensive and applicable for all use cases. Rather this is a policy to provide uniform guidelines for most common uses. The executive board being the final decision making body has the right to the determination of priority, condition, waving of fees and make one-time exceptions without setting precedence.